where am i?

Feeling: worthless
today was a pretty good day. but i wasnt awake at all really. ive been so tired lately. i need to go to bed early tonight and possibly tomara night if i dont talk to charles. im constantly wondering off. and in my head. i barely recognize my own voice anymore. b/c i dont talk much. i dunno..im just sleepy and kinda depressed. today i had the bus driver from HELL. lol. god we had a substitute bus driver. she was some gangster. and drive like a maniac. i thought i was going to die. i remember how i use to love sub bus drivers cus i could get away with anything. well there was nothing to do but bitch today.lol. ha i wore alot of brown today. and none of them matched!!! ahah. im a scrub.lol. at lunch i accidently told reggie what i got him. so then i ended up telling everyone their presents.lol. reggie got me a damn hubcap. lol. i have a pisstant,a headlight and now a hubcap. ill have a car by time im 18. which reminds me i need to get my permit. im so lazy and not ready to drive. but i must do it. anyways..i was pretty tired for the rest of the day...and then i got on the bus and got wide awake b/c of the bus driver. and now im here. otay. im going to go call reggie and wrap gifts and finish making capris gift. and then hopefully take a nap...like thats going to happen. later
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