Nate, we miss you!

Listening to: dispatch-hey..hey..
Feeling: mischievous
today would haven been nates 20th birthday. where ever you are, we love you and miss you! today was an alright day. though the news ive heard the past 2 days hasnt been great. i feel matured by it. to realize for once im not invincible and things can happen to me as much as the next person. today i went to get my ultra sound. the woman was really nice and had triplets! lol. im a triplet. so she mad me feel comfortable right away. i had to pee sooooo bad!! erg. but anyways thats enough personal stuff. after everything day i got to eat at subway. woop. i didnt have to go to practice either today! woop 2. lol i want to talk to charles. ive been thinkin bout him all day. i called himt his morning. iwas debating it all morning. i just needed to hear his voice for some reason. so i called but he didnt pick up whihc is ok. i assume he was sleeping! and thats why i wasnt going to call anyway! but i left him a nice message. and hopefully he got it today. only an hour until i call him! lol im a dork. lunch was so much fun today. i was being so dumb. and i was singing. usually i cant sing infront of anyone but i did. and it wasnt too bad. reg was in a bad mood. i met some killswitch engage person today. he seemed cool. hes a screamer, so i hear. yep. oh-im getting my permit this week, or trying to. and im applying for this new video store tomara. but im going to get going b/c i need to do things for spanish and i want to finish the buddha book charles got me. hehe. later
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