Feeling: aggravated
[Marital Status]No one over the age of 13 would take this. Single. [Shoe size] 6 1/2 in mens. Sorry, I don't wear girl shoes. ;-) [Parents still together]Yeahhh [Siblings] 3 [Pets] 7 cats, 1 dog, some fish, a lizard FAVORITES [Color] Orange & Blue [Number] 2 [Animal] Monkey DO YOU [Color your hair?] One time I put two streaks in it. Now that part of my hair grows blonde. [Twirl your hair?] I don't know... [Have tattoos?] Negative [Have Piercings?] Yes. Ears, and that skin between your thumb and forefinger. [Cheat on tests/homework?] Homework, most definately. Tests, never. [Drink/Smoke?] No. [Like roller coasters?] Without a doubt. All of them. [Wish you could live somewhere else?] Yeah, but certain places. [Want more piercings?] No, thank you. Are you having a special? [Like cleaning?] Only about 1/2 the time I'm on Ritalin. [Write in cursive or print?] A combination [Own a web cam?] I own one. It sits underneath my computer desk. Maybe I'll sell it to a pedophile on ebay. [Know how to drive?] Yup. [Own a cell phone?] I got a new one today :-D [Ever get off the damn computer?] Yes. Not often, but yes. HAVE YOU EVER [Been in a fist fight?] No serious ones [Considered a life of crime?] No [Considered being a hooker?] Who hasn't? I haven't. [Lied to someone?] Yeah [Been in love?] Yeah [Made out with JUST a friend?] Umm... I don't think so? Maybe at the time? [Been in lust?] Yesss [Used someone] Uh huh [Been used?] Probably, but I don't know what I'd be used for. [Been cheated on?] I don't think so. Unless like 5th grade counts. Haha. [Kicked someone in the nuts?] No. That's awful. [Stolen anything?] Only millions of dollars worth of pirated software. [Held a gun] Of course. CURRENTS [Current clothing] Concert clothes. White shirt, black pants. [Current mood] Enraged. [Current taste] E.L. Fudge cookies [What you currently smell like] Me? [Current hair] Pony... tail? [Current thing I ought to be doing] Math homework [Current cd in stereo] Christmas mix. I'm cool. [Last book you read] Prep [Last movie you saw] Little Drummer Boy on Fox Family [Last thing you ate] Cookie [Last person you talked to on the phone] Ben I think [Do drugs?] Nope [Believe there is life on other planets?] Could be. Remember your first love?] Yeah [Still love him/her?] No. Not like that. Haha. [Read the newspaper?] Daily [Have any gay or lesbian friends?] A couple. [Believe in miracles?] Yup [Do well in school?] I do... mediocre. Haha. But no, not well at all. [Wear hats] Sometimes [Hate yourself?] A lot of the time [Have an obsession?] A few [Collect anything?] Not really [Have a best friend?] Three or so. [Close friends?] Tons. [Like your handwriting?] Not much, but it's better than SOME people's. [Care about looks] Sometimes LOVE LIFE [First crush] Jonathan Cospito [First kiss] eh, Andy. [Do you believe in love at first sight?] No way. [Do you believe in "the one?"] Absolutely. [Are you a tease?] I highly doubt it. [Too shy to make the first move?] Maybe? ARE YOU A(N) [Daydreamer] Oh yes. [Bitch/Asshole] No, that I'm not. [sarcastic] Yeah [Angel] No. Wtf. [Devil] No. Wtf. [Shy] Mostly no [Talkative] Yeah Oh, and by the way... It came. It's okay to be jealous.
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