Pmsing sucks. But at least its for a good thing this time.
I cant even get to the doctor till saturday and by then it will be too late. ARG to work.
I kept snapping at people tonight and went off on one at mark because he wasnt talking to me. Gah pms totaly sucks. I felt so bad :( sorry baby :(
am well pissed off with my phone, got a message from capgemini to phone them but the number they left got eraised. GRR.
I sooo want the summer weather here. It makes everything better, makes everyone calmer and everyone happy.
*yawn* i want a new job. Iwantmyhairiwantmyhairiwantmyhair.
I need change. Its what i need most at the moment. I feel like i have run myself out. Like batteries have died or something. I need to change myself to feel change.
This week better go fast.
I started up a icon/html sitdiary, and I'm trying to get the word around.
Hope you'll check it out!