blah im so bored.
What on earth do i get for mothers day?! i cant get bath stuff or candels as she has too many of them already. I cant get her a book because i dont know what ones she has and what ones she doesnt have. Blllaaahhhh she clames shes so easy to buy for but shes really not!!
I cant get my hair now because it costs too much money and is just too much bother in general. So im just going to cut it, dye it black and get hair falls. Its easier.
Im soo tired, i cant even concentrate on what im meant to learn for my interview. They sent me stuff to learn! bah
How on earth do you tie in hairfalls?? i have serched the net and everything but noooo. GRRR so frustraiting. I will enter more information later.
*yawn* i did the ranting thing about german in my diary....hate it tis blergh!
oh well i shall comment again soon my sweet *huggles more*
Kx x x