Feeling: placid
IM SOOOOO PISSED OFF. ok, yeah. on top of my shitty grades in Math and English. they are the same by the way. An F in my best and worst classes. and all A's in the rest, wtf.....WTF? ANYWAY, i mean anyway. thats not of much concern. but this is BRIAN GOT FIRST TRUMPET JAZZ ONE. fuck him. seriously. hes a sophomore he has no maturity whatsoever. hes a whinny fucking baby. his nickname is baby for that fucking reason. hes had a history of panic attacks, and i know he going to fuck up cause he cant handle the pressure. hes too short, barely 5'2. you cant even see him with the trombones in front. OMG. im not the only one pissed. Kat, and Mike, and Ariel. arg. we know he cant handle it. why did this happen. and why is DAMIEN SECOND CHAIR. (trombone) hes the worst ever. just cause he can play fucking three octave scales doesnt mean shit. his tone fucknig sucks and he has no rythm. arg. it just really irks me. just because brian has the range over me, doenst mean he has the leadership or the mental state that is required to hold up the band. lead trumpet IS the band. BRIAN CANNOT BE THE BAND. no....this sucks....i cant believe it. the decision making was poor. everyone agrees. and i feel bad, cause if we do talk about it, and change it, im goign to feel awful cause te pressure will be put on me. FUDGEUMS. but i dont want brian as lead. no one does. hes so annoying. I HATE HaVING TO DEAL WITH THIS. but on a happier note. i have no more bad news :) well...no more news period. until i can think of it. i think.....

You're Under the Bridge
Which Red Hot Chili Peppers' song are you?
quiz @ vega-dream.net

the Red Hot Chili Peppers have so calmed me down, they are one of my all time favorites.
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