Listening to: silencio
Feeling: resentful
havnt written in a while, and im almost at my 50th entry, wooo. thats not that special.
the point that is the point is that i dont feel like saying much today.
yesterday was poker night.
downside: i lost 12 dollars
upside: i dont have to buy colter a birthday gift, and i walked away with a really good chocolate pudding mudpie thingy. delicioso.
i have homework to do today, a project on the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.....such a controversial book, if you have any comments to leave about that, id love to read them.
yeah my general topic is morals.. but i need t redifine it for this IB standards. week is homecoming week, im dressing up crazy mad everyday. Zach has a ukalelei, pardon my horrible butchering of a spelling....
thats for hawaiian laou day...
then its toga day
then pirate day....arg.....btw national pirate day was just last week, ironic huh.
then its SPaCE day....wooo luke skywalker eat your heart out.
and last but not least the lammest day of th week spirit day.
lets all parade around in our school colors eh. sounds like a grande old time.
somehwere in that day is a pep assembly so i get to perform at that with marching band.
and then theres a rumor about a parade, so actual parading around will be the marching band wo...hoo.....
dont you love sarcasm....yes you do get over it
then theres the friday homecoming football game.....and tradition has it that we will lost that game as well.
you would think the significance of the game would make our team play better but.....
and then, i have to raise my grades.
thats it folks..........haha folks....
yeah the dance is next saturday, im going as a pimp in either pink purple or green depending upon what color my date decides to wear....btw i got one...
and we got my costume for You Cant Take It With You......enough said....bbye....
i only came on here to look at my color scheme, and match it with my lame subprofile.
adios muchachos y muchachas..
hasta la manana.....
--lindsey t.