Listening to: BEP-Shutup
Feeling: empty
fuck boys, fuck them and their lies; their stupidness; their insensitivity; their jerk-i-ness; their cocky attitudes; their arrogant pigheaded-ness; their not being able to say what they mean-ness; their inability to convey messages; just fuck boys in general, ok?? FUCK BOYS
P.S thanks 'trappedinabox', u really inspired me to write this.
Girls are just as shitty
Girls always say boys are stupid and dumb
But girls are just as bad
Girls think that guys put on the show,but look at yourselves dancing around with makeup on and shit
Geez, People in general suck
well thanx for your comment i just now checked it :D yes i think that strike would come very much in handy right?
and it wasnt a peom..i was just all like "wow..ive never been in love before.."
lol ^_^
lexi the sexi anorexi