li* Happy Birthday Me

Listening to: Breath - Moist
Feeling: happy
I'm 17 years old, as of 10 minutes ago. Hourray for me. Its late, ive been working for too long now and i should be in bed to rest up for my birthDAY anniversary, but im finishing my media project, im almost done scene 3 of 5 and they'rea ll the same and im tired and its late and im tired and i hafta get up to get donuts tomorrow morning. ive been working since like 8pm on this, stopped for lets say 2 hours for missalanious things, so say 10pm to 12:10. this is takign way too fucking long. an hour my ass Chris. I'm tired, got some cool gifts, got invited to SHSM grad (sacred heart school of MTL) which is awesome cuz ive got so many friends there so that'll be exiting. i felt like updating, this is a new year for me and i plan to make the most of it. Watch out world, here comes Charles Madon.
Read 16 comments
happy birthday :)
Happy Birthday.
happy birthday you are now 17!!! yeah! only one more year to go!
Happy Bday! and it DOES take one hour if you work efficiently ;)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
happy birfday
happy late birthday. im new to this journal site and i just saw your journal randomly. whats up?
HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY buddy! :P
write an entry
about grad
i wanna hear
- erica
happy birthday! :)
happy birthday. i like your name, charlie. ha ha maybe cause its a name of my favorite character in a book. but yeah. random.

happy really belated birthday. I clicked the random icon on this thing and found your journal. My name is Emilie.
still emilie, this thing wont let me add you as a friend. anyway, my journal name is yllwgummibear.
still emilie, this thing wont let me add you as a friend. anyway, my journal name is yllwgummibear.
thats the thing: sean told both me and miguel "i think it's great that you two have a 'relationship', and you can do whatever as long as you don't break the rules and sneak out". and remember the five second rule? suddenly the counselors have made that the no-touching-no-matter-what rule. i actually never made out with him, we didnt kiss for more than like 3 seconds ever... i think they shld be reminded of that...
happy very very very late birthday ^_^