Listening to: Faith Hill - Cry
So... what more is there to say.
My brother has been taken back to the hospital, everythings going so down hill.. I never expected.
I swore to him when he came home I'd make his life a living hell, But.. right now he's not coming home...
He woke me up at 5 this morning throwing up. The adults have been up sense 4 this morning with him... he was in pain for about two hours before and after, I couldn't sleep. I felt something was wrong so I went out into the living room..
He was suffering and no one could do anything for him, I sat and cracked jokes, yelled at him, told him 'this is what you get' All for what?..
All because I'm pissed at him, all because I'm pissed at myself, all because he was just a target for all the anger.
At 6:30 in the morning I forced him into getting his ass to the hospital, I told him ' Either you go to the hospital, or you stop whinning and suffer' I couldn't take it anymore.
I didn't know wether I wanted to laugh or cry, So I just stared. I went so dull realizing all I've done. But he makes me so mad when he won't take care of himself..
It's now Afternoon, and he's been admitted to the hospital.. staying there I supose..
He finally listened to me again.. like he used to in the passed..
I'm just scared it's going to be the last he ever listens to me again...
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