The color is gray

Listening to: relaxing study music
Feeling: contemplative
Did an english paper in the cafe' for a few hours last night and then went to bed because I was so beat. Stayed up Friday night with Ron until..waaay too late-but let me back up a bit. I recently thought I saw Ron give his number to another girl so I figured I shouldn't waste my time by calling him and hanging out with him, gaining feelings for him-that sort of thing. So I haven't called him at all. I guess I've gotten hurt by too many guys to really want to trust them..even though I really wish I could find one nice guy to be with who doesn't just want to party, waste their life with drugs or sleep with me. Then as I shopped with Caroline and Bridget on Friday at the Wrentham Outlets (not sure if thats how you spell it) Ron called me. He wanted to rent some movies and hang out that night and well I did too to be honest so I said I'd call him when I got back to Wheaton (he called around 2 or 3pm). Then around 6:30pm I got back to Wheaton so I called Ron. The two of us drove to the video store and rented a few movies. Then back in my room Ron, my roomie and I all watched The Saw (Ron said it was a good movie)--It was such a freaky movie, but I liked it. After The Saw and listening to music Ron and I went down in the Mac lounge and talked for a bit about things and watch tv. After Ron and I talked for about 2 hours we ended up getting cozzy with each other and we kissed (smiling inside). We talked about our pasts, the age difference between us, family...that kind of stuff. I can tell Ron doesn't really share about himself much-just the feeling I get. You can tell when someone answers a question, but still leaves out parts of the answer-hes that kind of a sharer, but thats ok I'm not the type to push sharing-Lord knows I hold back my fair share. So now that we've kissed him and I are obviously not in the "random friends just hanging out group", but not sure where we moved to..I over analyze things too much (which apparently Ron does also). I guess me thinking about him not working at Wheaton in the future and me still being there does not do me much good- no sense in setting myself up for something that hasn't happened...I guess I just need to take things as they come and well Ron is great so I'll work from there. I'll be here this summer working partly because Ron will be here and the other part- you know about my family situations which apparently got worse this past week. Trying to make something happen thats not meant to makes the family stuff worse...I'm sure the rain will stop soon. Ok lets see..I sold all my alcohol to people- Kind of personally decided I'm not drinking anymore-nothing good comes of it and well there is no use hating my dad and then acting the same way he does. The doctors are getting to be too much. When I go home for 10 days before I come back to work I have 3 appointments...getting tired of this stuff-all the issues and no real solutions I suppose. I feel like I just really want to finish writing this english paper I'm doing now and then rest and not have to worry about things dealing with school work. Oh and a little side note- I'm SO going to petco and getting a fish for a pet this summer. Which I'm sure you were dying to know.
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hey its me i just wanted to say howdys and im very glad you quit drinking! its very bad but sounds like your life is complecated! whats new? um life here in minnesota pretty cold! its may and still snowing! what the goo! i got a new jeep now days so no more of my mudding adventures with the old pick up but thats ok im getting to old to be goofing around like a kid all the time!