finals time

Listening to: Number1hater
Feeling: awkward
I'm becoming very tired of life and its drama. Finals are coming up soon- along with the projects and finals- Oh joy. I'm trying to get a few things straightened out with my life -- the whole job and love life thing. It's a slow process. Falling for the guy at the cafe' was never more complicated- notice how I put myself in the situation anyways. I'll leanr eventually. As for now- I'll focus on school: what I'm in Mass. for. ~Later gators. By the way- does anyone out there read these things?
Read 5 comments
i hate the word limit on these things! bah! anyways, RELAX AND BE HAPPY!
roomie julie
i hate the word limit on these things! bah! anyways, RELAX AND BE HAPPY!
roomie julie
dammit it posted the last one twice! these have all been mine, btw. it won't let me write eveything at once. read from the bottom up!
everything works out in the end. all will be well, you'll see! good luck with all the work. just think: you're almost halfway done with college! yay!
i read you sometimes, lizzie! days like today......when i am bored and non-busy. don't stress too much about the boy stuff.