lol, thats great. yeah im trying to find another background..i dont knwo if i like it or not. but thanks, god im so bored..well toodlez for now
dude! kit kat bars are the best!! well snickers are better but yea! im sorry your out.
hehe i drive but keep ur brother away
sure but people think your weird then what would u do to me? scard......
i would never hit a lady!!! and i pay for the candy if u want
lol it did work SHE Feaked!!!:D she started yellig saying i cant believe you! why! what did i ever do to you n im like mom ur door bell ish ringing n shes like I DONT CARE lol im like it proouby the cops so she answered it n im like APIRL FOols! n she was mad lol.. but she got overt it later n laughed^^!!!
hmm ur 'y u dont wanna b a dick entry was interesting...and a little! ps/kitkats suck
lol ima call mom on my cell tonight n say like i ran away^^! see i got it all planned out ima go over to my one friends house n call mom on my cell n tell her im down n franklin n say im not coming home ever again im down here with my cousion n i hate you n i wont be back.. n then walk in the door like 2 mins later n say apirlfools i havnt gotita ll worked out yet but il tell yea what happens Peace n pickles ~PiNk~
::holding:: Let's go to the store and procede to purchase some more candied foods. Kit Kats for all. Good times.
thats it we run to a store and but like 2 cases