Listening to: The Clash- Overpowered by Funk
...and that's part of the problem. I know it's been so long since I've updated in here but I can't really help it. I've learned after 12 years of schooling that I work best when I'm angry and under pressure. And now with no school, no deadlines and not much to make me angry, I just can never bring myself to come up with something worthy of writing. And I know that after all this time of all my quaaaaaaality work, anything less from me and you- my loyal readers- would rise up and revolt against me. Does that even make sense? See, first paragraph still and I'm already on thin-ice.
Speaking of thin ice, do you think emu's have feelings? Do you think emo kids have feelings? Seriously tho. They're practically dead inside anyways, do they even feel anymore? And does that extend to physical feelings too? They're wrists have been sliced to shit, would they really care if I just walked up to them and poked them in the eye? With my penis? Would they write a poem about how disfigured they are? And my penis is? So many questions, so many emo kids unwilling to talk because they are so tortured inside.
Oh, and don't worry, I'm not planning on making this entry as long as my last one. That was a little extreme and I want to thank everyone who took the time to read it. You all have a special place in my heart. Seriously, no punchline here. Stop waiting for one damnit.
Getting back to the giant letter however, you'll never guess who's coming to my fair city of Winnipeg!
Did you guess David Cross? Didja?!
Well if you did, you would be wrong. Because as amazing as he is, he has better things to do than come to this crap town. But do you know who DOESN'T have anything better to do with his time? Larry the motherfucking Cable Guy. Oh my goodness. He is actually coming to Winnipeg. I just threw up in my mouth. And swallowed it again. And now I feel sick. Ahem. But not as sick as I feel about him coming here. We need to organize a boycott or something, or send death threats to the arena for him to be waiting for him when he gets there. I dunno, something, anything to get him to stop his senseless behavior from spreading across Canada. And damn you America; send us your good comics, not your backward ass phony fucks like Larry the Cable Guy. (Notice how I go the high road, and not call him something like Larry the Queer Guy or something like that. And yes, up here on the high road "backward ass phony fucks" is perfectly legit.)
Anyways, thus concludes todays entry. Adios for now everyone.
anyways later.
p.s im canadian too;)
myy life was getting prettyy boring.
lmao about the questions youu have.
but now i do wonder. about emus.
about emo kids and their poems.
haha, i did guess david cross.
but larry the cable guy..
god, he's so fucking annoying.
i have to constantly hear people say "Git r done!" because of him.
fart jokes are the lowest form of humor.
and if you're in your 30s and make your living off of those...
♥verena (=