Kyle's Mixing It Up

Hey everyone, shit its been a while hey? Anyways, I'm in the middle of changing things around here, but it's taking a lot longer than I want it too. And now the Oilers game has started, so I'm going to go watch that and then I have baseball. The changes should be done soon, and they better fix their image manager thing, so I can put pictures back up, but anyways, yeah I'll be done sometime tomorrow and then I will update. Hurrah! Love, peace and chicken grease K-$
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Hey you know the user sexy hair [triska] on your friends list? I would HATE to inform you about this, but Triska passed on! [I am serious] Read it online here: I found out on melo, and then I found her sitdiary... anyway if you like her family made her a page:
omfg, a's colors. i love youu i love youu i love youu. lmao.

even though i don't know if youu did that on purpose or whatever.
k, well, the blue linkage kinda kills it, but still. (]=