Kyle Insults for a Reason!

Since most of the females who read this don't get most sports references, I have decided to dedicate this entry to Gwen Stefani and The O.C. Yeah right. The day I write about those two things without bashing them is the day the terrorists have won. I BASH FOR AMERICA! It's fucked how fast a month can fly by. Speaking of things that are fucked, I wouldn't want to be Paul Martin anytime soon. If you live in Canada and don't get what that means...*shakes head*. For those of you who live in Winnipeg like I do, check out 95.9 on the radio every monday from 2-2:30. My buddy Taylor has been allowed to peddle his wares during that time, and he didn't even have to take a shot in the mouth to get it! All kidding aside, well done good sir. As well, if you live near East-Kildonan, either in it, or in areas such as North Kildonan, Elmwood, and *shudder* Transcona haha, my friend Tyrone is looking for one and all to come and appear in a movie he is making. I am going to be assisting him in making said movie, and have been toldmy first duty is to find everyone I can to come appear, ONSCREEN, for a scene or two. Let me know if you're interested and I will get you the details. Also, at work some senior quoted Anchorman today and called me "a gentleman and a scholar." And what's funnier is that I bet he's never seen Anchorman, and just uses that expression because he thinks it's cool haha. Anyways I'm outta here. K-$
Read 9 comments
Kyle!!!! I wanna be in the movie!!! wooa!!!! I love you...and I miss you!! *smiles* don't be a stanger!!! *kisses*
Leigh ♥
Ahh Kyle... I think I love you haha, you're priceless! Keep it up homes ;)
BAHAHAHAHA best... entry... ever.
;P its a p0rn movie, isnt it?

Just wanted to say THANK YOU Kyle! Some how, even though Ive never met you, the things you say really pick me up when i feel like going on a murderous rampage. You have no idea how many lives you have saved :P haha
thank you :)
so;; me being a fellow winnipegger, didja like the snow that came of today?

and what's this about paul martin?
heyyy. it's not sad that i can't drink two glasses of milk without throwing up. but that's okayy. (=

i like this entryy of yours. no sports references at all! good job. plus, it's dedicated to gwen stefani and the o.c. yay!!

[note the sarcasm. oh, and whyy do so manyy tv shows and such take place in california? i live there, and it doesn't seem all that wonderful to me. oops, sorryyy. got off topic again.]

america! *fuck yeah!*
god's not real
good luck with the movie.