Kyle's Hittin' the Road

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..............!!! Where to start. Thanks for the help. It's monday night, well not technically, but I have always believed it's not the next day until you go to sleep and wake up on that day. Anyone else like that? Anyways, onnnnn Wednesday morning I leave for Calgary. Warped Tour baby. I can't wait to see all the emo kids listening to their emo heroes with big, salty tears streaming down their faces. It will surely put a big smile on my face, and also probably make them cry even harder to see me happy. The circle of joy that comes with those kids is a neverending thing of beauty.:) The line-up for the Warped Tour this year is not as good as other years... FAR... ...but I still think it's going to be a kick-ass time. Here's to hoping that my kick-ass time isn't ruined by getting mine own ass kicked by the crazy Asian mafia out there. I'd bring mace to fend them off with, but it would do no good on Chinese people. Moving on to something far less racist, all black people thieve like pirates. Ahhhh shit. I got to play baseball with my dad's work team tonight, that was tres excellent. Special thanks to Brittany for taking that shift for me:):) Me and you, we'll find some parties to go "party-it-up" at after Calgary. And don't forget Paris haha. And now to the rest of you, who probably did not understand most of that, I ask you: do YOU have tickets to see System of a Down? 'Cuz I do. I'm still unbelievably overwhelmed with joy for that show, but I guess I'll have to SOMEHOW find a way to make it thru Warped Tour first. Give me strength, Lord, I can't do it alone. :P Good night, and have a pleasant tomorrow.
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hey plz read my poemz and tell me wht u think it would really mean alot to me thnxx

coment bac

hha ohhh Paris:) here we come;);)
lucky guy...... tahts all I have to say for anything else said would be irrelevant pointless and probly annoying..... so i wont say anything else.... nothing else
dont wanna say anything pointless irrelevant or annoying... nope none of that is going to be said..... so thats enough of saying nothing... for nothing shall be said and so nothin was said... ever...... amen
SOCIAL DISTORTION!!! i love mike ness and his guitar giratition.:)
i sure gosh darn DO have tickets to friggin' system.. and i better see you there biyaaatch