i found out who stole my ipod. and im soo happy! not because i get it back but because i get to fuck shit up! they are going to be soo sorry they didnt give it back to me. i pray he recovers and learns better
i also bought some tite brushes and paint for french class and for me on my free time.
i love art.
i got to talk to jake again. its nice to hear from him.. and this weekend me and him are going to the pound to pick him out a dog, he insisted i would go with him and name the dogg after me! yeah right!
mike hasnt seen garden state, so i get to do that as well. i miss mike too!
annndd me and alex are going to scotties!!! i miss him even moooreee hes so fucking awesome. he made me a sweet hat and gave it to alex to give to me, since i didnt go to the skate park with her.
hes having a beanie and scarf sale to earn money for his appartment so i ADVISE everyone to go!
or at least anyone in so cal who is reading this
my entrys are always pointless
and still i take pics
me and alex atr savons... what??!!!
that cookie never left my mouth
and a specail message to the hottest man in the world: i love you and hold on baby!
who1?!?!?!? how did u find out?!
call me. lets wear brass knuckles tomorrow k bye
too bad i look beat.