haha cute picture!!
shut up no im not!

who are those girls in that picture?
jesus. you guys are hot peninas.
love your hot lover, Plissa...
BETWEEN lol grrrr if you don't get it, let me know, I could email the thing to you. Thanks for your help.
It didn't come out right again... okay, you know how for all HTML codes, you put whatever between s? Well in this case you would put the word marquee between s at the beginning, and then /marquee between s at the end.
grrr it didn't come out right... you would put " Potato
things.... are good. nice background by the way, i love small music venues...
When you make a new entry, say your title is Potato. You would write Potato . And that makes it scroll! My turn to ask a question. Err.. 3 questions lol. How do you do that mouse thingy? How do you get a pop-up when you open the page? and how do you set an image as background? I'm useless lol. Any help would be great, ty :)
thanks. i like it when ppl like my art.
ok i posted your entry so tell me what you think of them.
i know i almost did cry reading that book. and now im reading the second book! its so sad. but so good.
and its a true story :(

next weekend. you and me. starbux night.

yeah i dunno what's up but it wont let me put any pics in my entries. so i dunno what ta do. HELP!!!
stupid fuckin sitdiary pics dont work right now grrrrrr

and i had like a million to post

oh well....... you're sweet and have good music taste

i'll be back here when pics are back you betcha!
dood YOU and YOUR FRIENDS are cute!!!!!!!

why, thank you, you sexy beast you!
i used you 3 times in the same sentance!!
ha. its coo' thanks for the comment.
man i need some one to talk too.
you have AIM?
i hope we get to talk.

haha well you could have been...although it probobly wouldnt have been worth driving who knows how fucking long you know? but yes all i can smell is freaking captain morgan on me...it kind of smells like vanilla extract now...sick
lol ok i'll post an entry just for you with some of my crap.
i heart art too!!!
Ha that's not even a good pic i had to pull that one out of my but for art. i like the pic.
haha yes our party tonight was quite fun,lots of captain morgan and buddah and people of course;)
awww lol rita how cute. i love megan. her hair looks good in that picture. and ur eyeshadow is way hot.
where the fuck am i?

p.s. i love you.
i've made an equation for the picture theroy
oh snap, :D:D
i don't see the picture rita.

its gone :(

omg are you going to chain reaction tonight or what?

yeah...it totally depends on the picture.
ritaa i dont see the picture.

ps..i dont have to pretend. i DO care.
Thanks Rita...