i love you
i love life
it should always always be this greAT!
I don't know why i ever thought twice about this place. Its my pretty home and i love my pretty friends. Mostly Allegra and Katie(bc there good looking and its the way it should always continue to be. us four! .. fourth person u ask? sexanie of coarse) =)
sexanie was unable to attend lunch that day. god bless you sex haha
i ended my drama with someone else. I think It was a good decision. NO CORRECTION. it WAS
here are a few pics taken during lunch timmmeee. favorite time of the day.
" your ass is grass, im going to smoke it"
jeff jung... (sadies date)
i love you
p.s thank u for being there for me always and being such a great freind, i know i can always count on you girls hahaha