When your down its more difficult to see the good infront of you.
Today i realized no matter what, i always had my freinds there by my side.
Allegra the most unaffectionate person ever ( in a non offensive way), stayed with me and calmed me down talking to me until i stoped crying and was fine, as did katie(they are truly amazing). they arnt viewed as my freinds, but as my sisters.
Jessica allen, got me out of school, and straight to cold stone becasue ice cream is comforting, and you do need fat. Its healthy fat in an emotional way.
Then we watched a movie,(monster in law with jennifer lopez..good movie) laughed soo hard. I knew that even though we dont hang out as much as we did last year, there she was when i needed someone the most. right there beside me.
My guy freinds at school were awesome in their own way like always, messing aroiund with me until i showed them a smile. They only like it when im a bitch to them. thats our relationship, so when i was too sad, they got irritated. They made fun of me till i had no chioce but to fuck em up haha.
Untill i sat there thinking how amazing the people around me where, there he was. Jake ferry. My best freind in the whole wide world, got out of his way and brought me in n out, we sat and talked. He is always there for me, no matter where he is. If im not the happy loud rita, hes there in a heart beat to fix whatever it is.
we got online and looked at places to go bungee jumping. We found a place in Azusa, You have to call in a week advance sooo, were going NEXT weekend... ahh im sooo stoked, iv wanted this for soo long now.
all n all. i love my freinds!