Listening to: nothing! no ipod
Feeling: abused
i am sad
i really need this, i need to get out of my house. i cant deal with this anymore. i hate it here.. my parents are fucking retarded!
one minute they tell me, im all grown up and i need to act like a grown up and do stuff on my own and they are done raing me, and the next they treat me like im 2 and under their rule.
do they try to get under my skin!? becasue its working
what pisses me off the most is when they tell me how to spend my money!
i worked for it, its not your momeny its mine. ill spend it on what i want and how i want
oh man, i really need this weekend with sexanie
theres nothign else that can clear my mind... except chad=)
if only he could be there with us<3
i love him
love ya
♥ jess.