Listening to: modest mouse still
Feeling: amused
tonight was fun!!
modest mouse played a good show at the hous of blues!
i went with lauren brandon and paul.. goood kids.. way cool!
so things once again end in a good note.. i wonder how long this will last
somebody pinvh me
my day wth the hoe

-Your lover
whenever you become unaway i shall im you! :) whooooaaaaa.
Rock on BAAABYYYY, Chad
you are a wonderful person.
<3 -Paul
i wish i could part my hair on the side.. but it just makes me look .not.good. lol
i love your background picture..
my new shoes are cool but hey hurt my feet, i got a blister from wearin em to the show last night.
and FATA was awesome :)
we need to meet!!!!! if we don't i'm going to come after you in your sleep and murder you with starbux!!!
love you :)
rita is hotttttttttt