
i dont understand whats gotten into me latley. im having suchh an awesome summer but im NOT in the best mood. today the most important person in the world to me told me he was comming down to socal with two freinds. i should be excited.. corrected? it just made me so depressed, i was overthinking it from the wrong point of veiw. I wanted to explain but you didnt want to hear it. It botherd me bc again, it was so easy for you to go for warped tour but if it was to just see me it was more of a mission you even admited once you have never really tried hard enough i just want to know why. if you love me the way you say you do.. wouldnt it be easier? then again i shouldnt be thinking like this you will be down somehwere around here from the 29 to the 2. hope it happens. the reson to why your coming isnt the issue and doesnt bother me anympore i just want to see you. ill just keep lame comments like this to myself like i always do and they never got me introuble so really, when is it ok to speak yuour mind? to just come out and say what it is? i never get it right. n e v e r
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