I'm happy, again.

We burnt at lunch today in some park, me Jen Jenna and Al. I bought, again. I love being happy at school, I really do. Everything is so much more the interesting... People really are starting to piss me off. I mean, horribly. I think i'm going to strangle Sarah if she keeps acting like she's god's gift to humanity. I will. Ah. I am on such a short leash. Sara was supposed to make me rice crispies so that I could wait outside her oven before they froze. But I dont think she is. *sigh* I shall update you on my mental enthusiasm when I am more sobver. Love, love love.
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Sara was supposed to make me rice crispies so that I could wait outside her oven before they froze. But I dont think she is. *sigh*
Ennis is boring, and yes pat ♥ i dont think i like him though. i hope not
um, i'm pretty sure it's better to SMOKE pot, seeing how i myself do it too
nothing happened at the show :(
but the actual SHOW was good. hehe.
youre RIGHT! :| did i make an entry about that? eeek. hahaha anyways tonight is the taking back sunday show and im very jealous of everybody who is going. grrr. and im not allowed to go see the further seems forever and sparta show, or the jimmy eat world show. grrr stupid parents.
oh! haha are you psychic? hehehe
umm yes they say i go to too many shows, and i dont need to go to every band that comes to town (even if the band is amazing.. grr) and yeah.. theyre just.. dumb. haha♥