Listening to: bright eyes
how can pain be measured? is it really okay to say that your pain is worse than what someone else feels? is it okay to say that no one knows how you feel when pain comes to everyone no matter what? who judges this? pain comes in all shapes and sizes. is a teenage breakup just as rough as a 23 year marriage gone sour? we can wake up feeling it each morning-daggers in our hearts or stomachs or back. people decide what they let get under their skin. we decide if we'll let the blood drain slowly from us eachday or if we can remove the dagger and let it pour and try try try to forget what happened. things can effect us slowly and we can drag them out and hold grudges or we can try our best to be good, forgiving people. though pain is a hard thing to get rid of..it's like an unwelcome houseguest- it tends to hang around.
ps- what i want:
awesome blonde dreads..which will be hard seeing as i have dyed my hairs black..err maybe in the summer.also, sorry if i stole your picture.

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