i've been listening to a lot of janis joplin and steve miller and the eagles lately. i really like changing it up sometimes. i think i'm going to begin my dreads on monday because my mom would freak if i did them today seeing as i have to go see the family tomorrow. BOO! anyway, i'll go to the beach thursday and i hear that salt water does wonders for dreads. they will be out before i go back to school. i really wouldn't want to hear what people have to say...not that i care all that much, but highschool kids are impressively rude. maybe i should just wait for summer-that would probably be easier. anyway, i like my new journal. change is good. i think this is my little spring cleaning..i cleaned up my room today. it will never be "clean" but it is much better. anyway, here are some pictures from steffie's party:


steffie in a tutu

blowing out candels


david trying to eat me

then we made friends again in the hoola hoop

then he tryed to eat me again

then, patrick tryed to take the hoola hoop

then aaron humped patrick as he humped steffie

then we all piled on stephanie because is was her birthday!!!!