Listening to: Everything You Want - Vertical Horizon
Feeling: fabulous
Okay, so Dad told Katherine and I that if we wanted to jump on the tramp at all before Winter, that we should do it now. So we did, but her belt broke. We took the cross studs off and put them on our messenger bags. Then Katherine had been holding Cali and apperantly Cali didnt like it that much since she didnt really know Katherine, and I was looking somewhere else and then I heard this yowl followed by a quiet-ish scream. I looked back and Katherine was crying, while Cali was happily on the ground, drinking the rainwater that had pooled up on the rocks.
Apperantly Cali scratched Katherine in the face, and her mascara was running. (Katherine's, not the cat's.) So we went inside to fix it up, and Ian called so we talked to him for a bit. It was funny. Teehee. Then Katherine's mum, her brother Phil, and her brother Luke came to pick us up. We wore our cute outfits.
We helped rake up leaves and stuff and then we went down and played SSX Tricky and talked to Ian and got on sD for a bit. It was cool. At 4:50 Richard came to take me home cuz he was coming over for dinner.
Now it's 5:31 and I'm at home. Yippee. Mwah.
<33 Chelly