Feeling: fabulous
Okay, so Dad told Katherine and I that if we wanted to jump on the tramp at all before Winter, that we should do it now. So we did, but her belt broke. We took the cross studs off and put them on our messenger bags. Then Katherine had been holding Cali and apperantly Cali didnt like it that much since she didnt really know Katherine, and I was looking somewhere else and then I heard this yowl followed by a quiet-ish scream. I looked back and Katherine was crying, while Cali was happily on the ground, drinking the rainwater that had pooled up on the rocks. Apperantly Cali scratched Katherine in the face, and her mascara was running. (Katherine's, not the cat's.) So we went inside to fix it up, and Ian called so we talked to him for a bit. It was funny. Teehee. Then Katherine's mum, her brother Phil, and her brother Luke came to pick us up. We wore our cute outfits. We helped rake up leaves and stuff and then we went down and played SSX Tricky and talked to Ian and got on sD for a bit. It was cool. At 4:50 Richard came to take me home cuz he was coming over for dinner. Now it's 5:31 and I'm at home. Yippee. Mwah. <33 Chelly
Read 5 comments
I read that she cried. Yea, I cried, too. But I cried harder when I read about Dumbledore. [i just realized i spelled his name wrong in my entry >.> grr] I was talking with some friends and they think that Snape didnt actually kill him but made it seem like that so Voldemort would still be on good terms with him and Dumbledore was just so weak, he just died and some are saying he's not really dead and that he'll be back in the 7th.
Hey chelsea, I think that we had a good time at your house and I really miss you right now and I don't know why but I do!!!!! I really don't like cali., and I don't think that she likes me, I am typing slower than crap... Mike is over and like and him are playing tricky!!!! yipee, I am just like staring at him the whole time and not looking at what I am typing, well luv ya, Katherine
It's not that I think it's gonna happen i just reposted the thing cause it was said...what do you want me to do? delete the part that says you'll have the best day of your life...? if that'll make you feel better...yea whatever...dont comment if you didnt like the entry...people these days...just dont learn...
your cat is mean!
Yea, I think he's dead. But my friends were like, well you think badly so shut up >.> Haha, I forget the names, too. Im pretty sure his first name is Rupert. Shes supposedly taking a year off for herself before she even starts working on the 7th one. That depressed me when I heard it :[ ps- Hi Chelsea, I'm Chelsea, too ♥