School. In like..a couple minutes. Jade's supposed to be here now...I hope she's still coming down. The bus just went up and I hope she didn't catch it...
So yeah. its 6:52 am. And I'm tired. Had yet another bad dream. I dont know what is with me and bad dreams but I seem to be having them a lot lately.
Yipee...not catching the bus today! Teresa's taking me in her spiffy new car. Yush. Talked to Stephanie LOADS yesterday. It was nice. I cant wait for Christmas so I can go see my diaper buddy.
Well, t'is all. Bye, dearies.
So whats new with the guy situation?
but u said I am racest. that's not true!
but yes, i do remember things like yourr friend jade does. [wow, i wish i had a prettyy name like jade] anyway, youu said i was luckyy for that. bleh. i don't feel luckyy, lol. XD
'till myy next comment,
verena ♥
but reallyy? youu like myy name? wow. i kinda grew up hating it because everyone alwayys pronounces verena like ver-EN-na, just how it's spelled. but in realityy, it's pronounced ver-EE-na. but now, i kinda like it because once people know it, they alwayys rememember it.
hmm, i remember seeing myy blue libraryy card being slipped into the back pocket of myy jeans. hehe, but i don't think that'll help youu find yours. (=
verena lessthanthree's youu!
[lessthanthree = ♥]
So whats going on with that boy?
I started writing a story that was based in New Zealand. Im so living there when I get the money >.>