Feeling: angry
I just flipping wrote a huge entry and I forgot to check to make sure I was still signed in. GOD! This spring break has been awesome. Too bad I have to do homework today. xD. Anyway. About spring break. On Wednesday, Jade came over and stayed the night. Then on Thursday we went to Borders and met Katherine and Cameron. On Friday I went to Wal Mart with JoJo and I got some eyeliner and lip gloss. Then on Saturday I went to Katherine's and helped her with her garage sale. We went to the mall after it was all done. Katherine, Luke and I lost their mum so we were running around the mall looking and paging for her. Finally we decided to stay in the middle at one of the tables and finally we found her. We left the mall and got some shakes and went back to Katherine's house. We jumproped for a while and then Luke left to go to Timmy's house. After a while, Katherine's brother took me home and that was the end of that day. Yesterday, the Millers came over (including Myles)! As well as Uncle Richard, Kiersten (Rhonda's sister), and the Oaks. Before everyone got here; Mandy, Myles, Teresa and I played Apples to Apples and then we blew bubbles. Teresa called a lot of her friends, but the only two that could come were Aaron and Arthur and they came over and played Apples to Apples with us and Dad and Kiersten. Then we played Catch Phrase after Aaron left and finally everyone went home. It was a great day. Today I have to do my science homework and then I can go to Wal Mart with my mumsie dearest so I can get some shoes. KTHXBAI //chelly♥
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Happy Sitdiary anniversary. :)