Listening to: You\'re A God - Vertical Horizon
Feeling: lovesick
Got out of bed about an hour or so ago. I already had some candy. Teehee. Pinch and a punch its the first of the month. Haha. Last night I went trick-or-treating. Got a lot of candy. I have some pictures from Kailee's party...will post them when I have time.
My Jone's endorcement for when they ask for me. And they will. Just wait, you'll see my face on the cover of that next bottle. Ha.
Yesterday at school, I got stares. Soon you will see why. I'll edit thist later with the picture of the makeup Teresa did on me. Haha!! I looked wicked.
Luff, Chelly
Here's me!
If you cant tell, I was a corpse bride.
LoVe CoUrTnI
I didnt know it was a movie O_o I'll have to check that out. Whats it about?