WHY ARE U SO OBSESSED WITH ME YOU FUCKING PSYCHO ....CALEE :0) JOHN LOVES ME AND UR JUST MAD CUZ UR A FUCKING LOSER & SIOBHAN DIDNT EVEN WANT U!-CC [anonymous (] Yo, i just came across this and i almost LMFAO'd right out the window. 1. im not obsessed WITH you, im obsessed with the fact that your alive, the shit you do, it freaks me out. your the butt of alot of jokes, so..heh butt. 2. IDFK if john loves you what the fuck do i care? lol. congratz. 3. haha and? 4. fuck duh.
Read 3 comments
aw yeah I know!
Oh well.

I guess 2005 is cool too! =)
sorry forgot to sign my last comment! =)
Dude, I sat there and said that I didn't know you well enough to call you a douchebag, but if you're gonna be shitty, then maybe you are a douche.