Work Sucked!

Work was really annoying yesterday. I didn't get off until 12:30. Because Nate was the manager that was closing. I really really really don't like closing when he does. He put me on drive through like right as soon as i got there....and he just left me there for like three hours so I couldn't start any of my pre-close stocking stuff that I usually start at like five. And yesterday he let me start at almost ten. So I was really behind. And plus, ok, so Dannielle was on counter. And I had like five orders backed up because people just kept coming. And she had ONE order. And he was getting all the food for her and she was just standing there watching him and I was trying to make all these drinks for this huge order and no one was getting my food and the stupid thing kept beeping at me and it was really annoying. Then after all her one little order was done, he kinda started helping me. But not really. He put like two things in a bag and walked back to the office and started sweeping. Oh well. Anyways. And then there were these guys in drive through. They came up to pay...and there was three of them. I think they were all sixteen. Anyways, so the two that weren't driving were like waving and smiling at me and stuff. I think they were just hyper. lol. And then there were these guys that were probably like....27. Anyways, i took their order and they already paid and then they were like "would you hate us if we wanted to make those super sized?" And they'd already paid and everything so Nate told me to just give it to them and not make them pay the extra. And then right before they left the driver guy was like "oh, and can we have some ketchup?" So I gave them ketchup and then the guy by the passenger window said "Can I have your phone number?!" And I'm lol. But yeah. And that was my day....wait! no it wasn't! lol. I bought myself some new shoes. I couldn't find some that I liked as much as the ones I had for last year but ya know. the cutest ones there were ones that Amy already had. And I know it's annoying when people have the same thing as you, but I didn't like any of the others as well. And the ones that I really liked in a different store didn't have my size. And we asked them if they had any other sizes and they were like "no...that's all we have." It was soo annoying!! Evil! And I got a cool wallet and a Thrice shirt..
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Thats cool!!! well the buying new cloths thing because I gotta go with you! but I know how it is when work gets annoying so I hope tonights work wasnt too bad... anyways I will talk to ya later
you got the same shoes as me?
that one was from me.
damnit!!!! i keep forgetting people know who "me" is. it me..amy. ok....sorry bye.
Talk Like A Pirate Day

It's not a national holiday.


But really, it's something that got publicised thanks to Dave Barry. So it started in America. The history of it is on the website, I think.
thanx... i did have funn... where do u work? bubye xox
thanks. i like my diary too. JOKE! i think its dorky. love the ice/lips thing. thats hot.

Just thought I would say the whole ice cube and lips thing really kicks ass. I made out after she had an ice cube in her mouth god it turned me on it was sweet. Mabye its because I love the cold or something but its so awesome. Also made out when I had a strawberry kiss thing in my mouth it was pretty rad candy and action go well together.