
I like to click my new nails on things. That's very fun. So, me, my mother and my sister Shelly went shopping today to try and find shirts to go with the skirts for Ryan's wedding. Shelly kept taking us to different stores and I tried on tons of white shirts, but she never liked them. We finally found some that she SAID she liked, and I liked them and we thought Stephanie would like it to. So, we wanted to buy them. But at the last minute, Shelly said "oh...well, I'll just wear one I already have." DAHHHHH!!!!! So, I guess me and Stephanie will be the lovely bridesmaids that match and Shelly can just....wear her other shirt and not match as well but still be a lovely bridesmaid. It was so annoying. I almost fell asleep in the dressing room while she was deciding out of two shirts that we didn't even buy.
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what I meant by the hardest thing I have ever done was actually getting up the balls to call you and tell you everything. I did change the picture yes, because that was something that made me sad and it hurt every time I saw it.
heh how annoying!!

yeah go aaron's and my lovechildpea.
I could not be that patient, I'd probably start clucking like chicken while doing the cha-cha. I'm seriouse to!...We get to see a play tomorrow!!!
SA-WEET! You awesome. Got AIM or YIM?

I was too lazy for one, and I didnt want to let on how I felt for another.
no the liver cancer thing was what it could have been. showing that diabetes wasn't so least diabetes you can live with.
I won nuttin... we play until there is just one winner... and that was not me... actually my older brother won everything. I almost won though!
It just made me sad every time I saw it, but I decided to actually do something about it now.
Haha, yeah. You should. I have very crazy friends. But I luff them.

it's a funny story actually. my work asked if i could work that saturday... and i can't exactly say no because i'm the only other person that could do what they need me for (don't i sound important?) so i can't go to warped tour any more... but ummmm if you would like to do something else or anything... let me know. sorry... if you wanted to go or anything.