*sign of relief* school..... Yesterday was fun. Me, Chelsea and Emily poked Mike and his little brother with a plastic sword... lol. And I bought cool pants I've been wanting forever. Oh, and I bought more fish!!! YAY! I had....7 baby guppies and their mother (a gift from Daniel) and now I just got two black...mollys? I don't remember what they're called, a female betta in the tank, a algea eater thing, and two blue striped fish.. so now I have 14 fish in my tank....they're fun.
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thats cool.
the sword thing was cool.
Fish are awesome!! yay fish!

have you ever played insaniquarium? should be able to find it at msngames or something...hmm.

i haven't played it in ages but it's this addictive game where you collect fishies who poop money when they get big, and they need to feed them to keep them from dying and sometimes aliens come in and you click on them to kill's quite fun. even if it is pretty dumb. :D