
I don't want to take the ACT anymore. Me and Chelsea started to study....they have the stupidest science questions on there. And I don't really want to take the time to study. It sucks...really really bad. I have one week until I have to take it. I need to study...but I don't want to....poop.
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I really really really don't want to take it.[ACT]
It's so abnoxious and I'm almost desperate to go to the Aquabats concert.

I'm getting so jealous.
I know that it how I do on this test will matter more then if I went to the concert but it's ridiculous.
Education. psh!

I am taking it next week also!

ewww the science section is sooooo disgusting. it doesn't make sense.

i really like physics right now cos it's easy and my class is awesome (i have it with aaron! and other cool people!)
so good luck on the ACT next saturday.
:) you're so pretty!
Physics is awesome. Out class just wastes time it's great fun. Teresa is in my class it's awesome!
yes you will have to play that game with me one day. It's awesome. Tons of fun. I have lots of stories to tell you.
I never get to see you anymore.
It makes me sad.

I love you dear!
That's how it was for me to.

I had like 10 minutes to spare on both reading and english.

Strange how that works eh?

Hey munchkin, we should go christmas shopping together sometime this week! :)

Just let me know when you don't work next and we'll chill like homies yo.
