Listening to: Alix Olson (lovelovelove)
Feeling: smooth
I feel as if I have changed a lot in the past week or so. I never thought I could change but I truly feel like I have. I haven't had body dysmorphia type thoughts pretty much the whole time. I've been gaining a little bit of weight and while I've noticed it, and, admittedly, not particularly liked it(Though I'm working on it) it doesn't bother me as much as it would have a couple of weeks ago.
Admittedly, as my body image gets better, my social skills are getting worse. I don't understand why so I accept it as a fact like any ignorant teenager. I've also been feeling a lot stupider than usual in that I haven't been doing as well in school as usual. But nevermind that, for once I feel beautiful even though I don't think others agree. It doesn't matter. I am going to love myself.
i know this is random but what the hey.
greeny xx
You are more intelligent as well.
Live your best in all aspects of life.
I have only empty words to offer.
Goodnight love.
<3 Liz