I think I am having a breakdown.
I was getting a drink and then I tipped my water on the carpet, threw my glass, toast and new mp3 player on the floor and ran up to my room crying. Now all I want to do is sit on my floor and shake and shake and my muscles want to go into spasm so I have to keep deleting extra letters and I'm pulling at the skin on my face and making funny noises and there's dribble and I wish I could throw up and I if I had ever liked myself in the first place I would say i hate what i
ve become.
Usually this is the part where I either make a smartass comment or offer some mediocre advice, - but in this case I have neither.
Hrm, good luck.
And yes, this is me. Well done, Sherlock. xD
(Smartass comments. Hrm. They just -pour- out of me)
Don't let it kill you, and work on fixing yourself when you feel more up to it.
If you dont think there is anyone to help you to get help then as hard as it may be, you have to help yourself
(by the way, its blackxrose, I have a new account)