[8] cuz in the ashes passion slowly dies
Listening to: Goo Goo Dolls - Name
Feeling: antisocial

Slippery!? lol what the mother-f-er! haha... awe i miss my bebe today! i love u sweetie! muah! u know u love me!
Read 14 comments
thank you. i love you!


and im not just saying that cuz you read my story.

but it becuase i do.
im from maine..it sucks up here. where are you from?

i noticed you were listening to howie day last entry. hes awesome. hes from brewer, maine which is like 15 minutes from me

i hope i feel better too. thanks :]

hey. umm, why? and just because, i'm completely naked right now...
: P
Hey haha thanks yeah we did really good!! so position did u play?? I play point guard and wing. I wanted to cheer next year but i am really good and people wouldnt like it very much lol..

well I'll ttyl love ya

awe. you called me 'sweetie' *blushes* and then *looks around* haha

yeah, the only reason i am FINALLY getting out to run is because my soccer conditioning and gym class finals suck balls:p

love ya!!
and the countdown goes on till we can hit that
ur slippery? like soap? heh...

lol, sweet.
ahh you should post some pictures of him.
it would make me so happy

he looks really hott in the new video for "All That I've Got" as well.

All showered and shaved and dressed up♥

Ohhhh mad love for the Bert haha

AWE!! i <3 you! haha. will you be my mommy?
hey there hunnie havent talked to you in ahwile!! Whats new with u ?? nothing really new here!

So where do u live??

well ttyl

omg i live in pa to where are u at in pa
Its an Axl Rose/Guns N' Roses background. Its from a Guns N' Roses song.