oh yes
so extremely awesome

*high five*
Your nose is cool, you do look like you were hitting it hard the night before. Kinda got that Shaggy from Scooby-doo look, one to many scooby snacks.
lol now my entry is 50 million times longer.... im like obsessed wiht surveys haha.
going to sleep, night night
hehe thanks :D
horay! hehe thats how i live my life... anything i dont like, i make it sound not-so-bad lol. im glad it helps hehe:D
56 days isnt that long. not even 8 weeks! i think if u think of it like that itll be more bearable, non?
aw thats insane! id totally die if i didnt see addison for that long... really i odnt think weve ever been apart for more than 3 weeks, if even that!
lol why should we be jealous of her? lol

sorry, had to lol
yeah, i hate it but at the same time i love it, because i know once i graduate ill never have it again :(
56 days? thats super long... how long has "ur baby" been gone already? :P
hahahaha oh jeeze your so freakin awesome

jealousy lol
whatever u dont even look like it why dont u believe me ask me anything that an imposter wouldnt know
yeah but i dont mean just about that. about a lot of things
we feel the same about a lot lol
thank you
it was like a ghost... you know? Boo! Ahhhh scary! Get it? hehe.
im so sick and tired of high school drama

but im sure im gonna miss it like hell once i graduate
lol i hate drama

it should die
and be stabbed
and so on.

i still love your background lol
rillly i love takign quizzes specially when im bored as hell
aww i wanna "go out with my boys" lol

no fair

and yeah, thats pretty odd how i could never throw up and you could never cut lol