[20] i don't expect the world to move underneath m

Feeling: pumped
Are you going to fight for me? die for me? live and breathe for me? do you care for me?
So... i got to talk to Brian a lot yesterday which was good... nd this weekend was pretty good too! Hoose and i went out Fri night and they just passed out early here lol! Nd last night i went out with Jordan... for about .10 before i made him bring me home! lol... i like never want to do anything anymore haha! im SOO boring! but u know u love me! muah biatches! xoxo -Crysa!
Read 32 comments
thanks. i like ur name thingy.. get naked... thats what i tell random people i meet on the streets.
yeah, im a virgin and i plan to stay that way for a long time, but no one in my family trusts me lol. they think im a drugged up slut hahahaha
its kind of funny yet really sad
iono really, life is jsut going along usually...
any fun plans for valentine's day?
Never heard of dubois..
haha do you leave towards
the middle of Pa?
hi! long time no comment.
i htink
lol im so boredd
i know, right!
and plus its only illegal if we have sex, right? and i dont plan on that anytime soon lol, i dont need to be a pregnant 15 yr old
Yea! i live like 3hrs
away too! I live in the
middle of nowhere..
hmm i live near
Scranton.. maybe you
heard of that before?

xox ♥
hes pretty damn awesome to me, but people dont think its an awesome situation lol. thats the only reason why poeple dont like him right now [at least the people that have any idea of whats going on], is because of the way the sit. is
blah, i cant stand people and thier bad judgements

thanks for your good judgement :)
In Philly its
Feburary 25.
Where do you live?

xox ♥
and no, i havent talked to her about all this..
i dont really plan to either, its not a conversation i really want to have lol
i know, i can see how its hard for her to.
i mean, hes hitting on a 15 yr old, and then the other son [17 yrs old, named Fran] is a huge druggie.
theres 5 of them, from age its Ryan, Chad, Fran, Chane, and then Chance.
She called chad a failure though...i mean...why? i dont get it, hes not a failure..
she thinks he just is gonna take what he can get, if you know what i mean. he cant find anyone else apparently, thats what she thinks
noooo my mom doesnt
but his mom does.
Well..take into consideration; my best friend is Chane. Chane is 15, like me.
Chad is chanes older brother
they have the same mom
i talk to chanes mom a lot
now..now i think she hates me lol
muchly appreciated

♥ Desiree
lol i know!!!
but the mom really hates the idea of it, im not even sure how she knows that we flirt!!!
its crazy
but as he said "we have to be sneaky like ninjas" lol
the army!!??oh crap! u joined during wartime? THAT has got to suck!! If u r on a carrier..oh wait *duh* THAT'S the NAVY...hun...Y did u DO THAT?? WE R AT WAR....hmmm well I pray u don't get deployed to Iraq or anywhere near there...R we still in Bosnia? We had peeps there for A LONG TIME GI!!! *be sure to add the very distinctive ASIA accent!!! *wink* well make good use of the time. Where are you stationed? We R near a CB base..scary after 911xox
cute diary
awesome gwen Steph...pic!!
thanks. i really like that pictures of gwen stefani.
omg lol, we kissed for the first time yesterday

[[actually, my current entry is about him]]
but he french kissed me, and i totally didnt expect it to be like that for our first kiss lol, so it was all...him french kissing me and me not lol
but he so damn good at kissing lol..and hes so freakin pretty!! ill try to get a pic up ASAP
im getting into such an illegal situation lol
him, 23..me, 15
not good lol
Love the nose piercing ♥

Very cool.

we didnt win cause the reffs were assholes and our school had to call the association to get them fired..

srry my one friend did it one time now i forget how srry
Ohh myy your soo
lucky!! I might
get to go to
Taste Of Chaos!
..lets pray i do!

nothing really just being bored had a game yesterday then did a lil shopping soo are u going to college next year??
i like yer diary too!

Haha thank you!
Bert is my homeboy!

Forgot i wasnt
signed in. lol
Last comment was
from me ♥
Thank you very much!
Pretty Diary!

xoxo ♥
hey there are u graduating from high school right?? ohh yes the parties are great but even beter in college lol


I know i was like jezz i havent talked to u in forever sooo whats new??
i love yours! gwen stefani kicks ass! i just changed my background though...I've had it there for so long

you love napoleon and lord knows napoleon loves you :P
what are you going to do with your life?