Listening to: Ludacris - Get Back
Feeling: abandoned
So... drill was fun, but army isnt as good without Brian... it really makes me think about him a lot! Even if he got to talk to me just a little bit ago for like an hour! i miss him so much sometimes! idk... things are weird without being able to fall asleep next to him, or at least fall asleep on the phone with him! blah... i cant wait until he comes home!
Ohh and back to drill... Kurtis was there! Apparently he goes to that unit and so i got to see him when they were on breaks and he would come talk to me... omg i was so excited! Today was Jordans last drill with me too! ... im gunna miss my buddy! i love having him to talk too... even if he gets jealous when i even breathe in another guys direction *cough!! lol... awe! I got high PT award too! yay! *S* that at least makes me happy and not feel like a lazy fat ass! lol... well im SO tired and sore so i think im going to go shower and homework! yuck... muah! u know u love me! xoxo -Crysa

And bert = love
one month until he will be mine for an evening ♥ haha
Yeah, it would be two years but if we actually plan on fighting terrorism...it will never end. You're right too, if we were to mess with someone that could actually retaliate, then we'd probably all be dead before I'd have to worry about it