Take the red for what it's worth

Feeling: antisocial
Yay for writing in here because someone decided to fuck around in my business. Yes it sounds rude and unbelievably bitchy, but I'm so frustrated.. the majority of what I said about Courtney (note: majority. Not all) was discussing what everyone else keeps insisting I do- reconsider our friendship. And so now it's over. The thing that gets to me is her excuse was that people have been telling her things and thus she must snoop around to find 'the real truth' because I'm so fake. Well, no shit. All of this after she full out bitched to me for two hours because we were discussing the lovely gossip at school and she was mad because hey, I DIDN'T ASK HER. kljk;dsao;iuoi;djsaoijdaw Tonight wasn't fully horrible. Ryan came over =) I didn't have the energy to really mood, but he's lovely and just holds me. Sappy, sappy.
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Me=Love=The Used

Good music : ]& nice diary

`[ mel ]

Me=Love=The Used

Good music : ]& nice diary

`[ mel ]
hey =) cute diary