Am I completely alone?

Not much is new. Ryan and my one year is on the 25th. Woot. I still miss Jamie.. a lot. Sometimes I kind of forget that she's gone and just wonder why I haven't talked to her for so long.. and then come back to reality and it's like hey, I'm never going to see her again... Been hanging out with Gordon a lot (good English, I know). Developed a kind of love for Pink Floyd. Further fueled my love of A.F.I. Was hospitalized for what; a week? for depression problems and whatnot. Of course they let me out; I was happy there, being away from.. everything. I very muchly missed Ryan, though.. I came home a week and a bit ago and things are just as crappy as before. I still want to kill myself and all of that dramatic, angsty teenager bullshit that is typical within these stupid online journals. Eff.
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i like listening to music. somtimes its too heart tearing though. just thought youd like to know? :)
i like listening to music. somtimes its too heart tearing though. just thought youd like to know? :)
i like listening to music. somtimes its too heart tearing though. just thought youd like to know? :)
i like listening to music. somtimes its too heart tearing though. just thought youd like to know? :)