Hi Ho Hi Ho...

It's off to work we go, with a shovel and a stick, I wanna kill this prick, Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho! ------------------------------------------------------------- I felt bad for typing that this morning, but then I went to work and felt that it totally reflected how I really felt. Our floor manager is a TWAT, my job makes me ill, I feel like i'm stuck there because for the past 2 years i've spent 40+ hours there. I think if I stay I might lose it big time.
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Hey your active too! That sucks. I felt like my last job was sucking my youth away I was there so much. I quit and I still feel liek its sucking it out. Dirty bastard wont stop sucking.
No its fine, and you're right. Um, we dated for a little short of two years I think. Her and my current girlfriend of just short of two years, Jordan, used to be best friends. They started fighting, not to sounds like a bastard, but over me. I dated each one once, for a short while, then again for the longer time, and the current time. I was with Lindsay the majority of high school pretty much. So now she is dating one of my best friends.
So as you can probably guess I'm not very happy with either of them. For the longest time I tried to hate her, but it was pretty much a front. Then we talked, and it got bad, so we stopped. Now they're dating, and we don't talk again. At the wedding our eyes kept meeting and it was terrible. The wedding was Michaels(Lindsays current boyfriend) sister. Theres more to the story too I guess. She was pretty much dating someone else at the end
of our relationship, although I did sort of the same. She wasn't the best girlfriend. She didn't pay much attention or spend much time with me, even though I tried. I guess you could say I'm "clingy". Its hard to remember that shes a terrible girlfriend though, like lookig back I have to remind myself why its over and why I'm happier this way. Jordan is incredible. She the best girlfriend I've ever had. She spends time with me, shes
loving, and giving, and smart, and beautiful. It is just really hard to keep her moving towards her goals. Her familly loves me and I love most o them haha, which is the opposite of Lindsays familly. Like I think they are sort of opposite situations really. I'm sorry if this was more than you asked for...but yeah. Umm me and Lindsay talk now and then now, but its mostly a how are we gonna deal with eachother when we have to be near eachoter.
Jordan doesn't understand why I think about Lindsay or why its weird or why I hate that she is dating Michael, and I don't blame her but it sucks. So how are you? How are things on your end?
I wish she'd move. College sort of did the trick, but it was still the same State haha. Are you fairly new to SD or do you have other diaries?