The story over and over...

Listening to: The Fall of Troy
Feeling: beat
I really need to sleep. But I know that sleeping will just bring me another day that I will waste. I should do something to change that, make every day count. But that is easier to say and much harder to do. 3 good things that came of today: * I spoke to Alex on the phone for like 40 mins. * I spoke to Teej on the phone for 2 hours. * Peter Pan has invited me to visit him in Sweden this summer. 2 bad things that came of today: * Tardy is a jerk. * Stoner is a jerk. I have a lot of chocolate left over from Christmas and I'm wondering if it would be best to just eat all of it at once and then purge. Thus eliminating my hunger for today and any snack possibilities for the future. Take the power back.
Read 2 comments
ha! you deviated entirely from the genres we are most familiar with--bravo! i will give it a mindful listen. i have on record neil young's harvest. please be sure to remove yourself from all interruptions when listening to the aforementioned songs and reading their lyrics. it is imperative that you do as such. stranger's wrath, remember? catharsis is likely my most beloved of brute bands. circle takes the square involves many layers of intricate and melodious soundwaves, smart lyrics, and erratic drum patterns--the perfect storm. dillinger escape plan with mike patton is an intimate choice (the backstory is a damned hazard to repeat).
anyway, i share with you these three dear dandy. enjoy!

i haven't even begun on the screenplay nor have i added anything to the faceless entry. time and patience it seems are necessary for these sort of things. BAH!

i listened to the torture of comacine. they would have been more impressive to me years before now. my taste in music has mutated since then.

i have a better understanding of what sort of music you listen to. i will adjust and make suggestions accordingly:

catharsis - arsonist's prayer. read the lyrics as you are listening. here is the link:

circle takes the square - non-objective portrait of karma


dillinger escape plan w/ [the omnipotent] mike patton - when good dogs do bad things
