Oh lordy...

Feeling: cheeky
Well that last entry should clear up how my night went :] I also decided that 'Rebel Yell' is my theme tune. If I was a wrestler I would blast that out and get my strut on wearing drainpipes no shoes a white fred perry polo and some braces! God I'm cool! Anyway, my head caned when I woke up cos Georgie got a bit too vigorous and twatted it of the corner of a wall hah! Pizza hut was awful and so was the mall but I made a promise to Ed sadly :/ And now on to Clecksiiiide! xxx
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I read the last one, haha.
And I like that song :D "Rebel Yell"
Ahaha, I wish I was a wrestler. Geez. I'd have a cool little costume and a amazing tune to go along with it, and I'd have an amazing entrance XD.