Sweet Jesus wants to sleep with me...(Resurrection)

Feeling: sick
Last night I dreamed that a boy named Ben committed suicide by hanging. He was my neighbours son but not in real life. He had a book with two lines written in that he wanted me to have. Then he came back to life and then he was back to being hanged. I looked up resurrection in dreams: To dream that you or others are resurrected from the dead, suggests that you will eventually overcome your current obstacles and achieve your goals. It signals an awakening of your spirituality and renewed energy. Alternatively, it indicates that the same old problems are coming back to haunt you because they were not properly addressed or dealt with in the first place. Lets hope it's the first. Kieron took me to see 17 again. I really want to marry Zac Effron.
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(Because this comment turned into a length worthy of its own entry)

May 20th, 2009 @ 1:58am
Entry Comment: To Dandelion
Listening to: The calls of the frogs that I haven't run over yet.
Feeling: Too awake for my own good


I've secretly been wanting to see that movie and have been afraid to admit it or ask someone to go with me. You've now boosted my confidence.

Zac Efron is a cutie-pie. Even if he is a bit young for me.. ah well..

Things just seemed strange because I couldn't find any flaws! It was ridiculous! He's a fantastic guy, but we actually both agreed to call it off for now. Between the two and a half hour drive it takes to see one another and his inconsistent work schedule, it's impossible to casually date. We both agreed that it would be worse if we waited longer and grew deeper feelings. It sucks, yeah, but it's nothing I won't get over!

Crazy dream, dude. I hope it has the former meaning also!

(I think this comment is longer than your entry.)
