
I feel...horrific today. Last night was the creative writing course night out. Me, Gary, Adam, Jack, Jen and Amy went out to Luckies bar for a few pre-drink drink and then back to Jack's flat for more drinks. Adam got a bit too wasted after downing 2 triple vodkas and then playing the Roxanne game (which is harder than it sounds). He hurled and went home. small We all went to digital and everyone was smashed. It was xmas and new years all thrown into one which was weird, lots of foam snow that tasted hideous. I found a tenner that someone left in the ATM. We danced A LOT! I walked home alone, I say walked, I mean staggered, got gritted by a gritter which hurt A LOT! And then the cherry on top...I got into the flat at 4am, tried to sleep on the floor, then the bed, then had a fit! That has never happened to me, it wasn't that bad though, Kris thought I'd taken something but for once I hadn't. Now he's giving me some weird silent treatment :/ Ps/ Me is the one in the leopard print cardi.
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ha! you are much more brilliant than me! i've only written a handful of screenplays most of which have loose endings and/or have no cohesiveness. i lost one completed short to a virus. to be continued in email.
the drudgery of work is consuming. final week of studies is cause for bravo. i'll take a flight down a flight of stairs appropriately drunk vroooomwoooooosh my wings are better than your eagle of a friend in burgundy. i will be sitting down with two humans and a piece of God to begin outlining a movie i'm calling, "Idle Minds: a Satirical, Philosophical Approach to Self-Indulgence and God." tell me more of your life.
i never understood why anyone would wear animal prints in the city--oh, to stand out. bah, better to attract with a beaming smile, i say! "dandy, DANDY! where ya gonna go now?"
I donno! I just do!
totally jealous of your cardigan.