
Feeling: cheery

I woke up in an amazing mood today with a touch of OCD cleanliness throw in.

And my fingertips hurt from trying to learn bass guitar, but it's fun and so I throw a little moisturiser on and carry on...although really I should be finishing this damn short story because the dealine is the 25th.

Adam came back yesterday, it's lovely to see his happy little face again after about 6 weeks. Now we're just waiting for Gaz to materialise and then we'll have the whole flat back together :)

Read 2 comments
Oh sheesh, I hate admitting it, but I'd say that most of my days off from work are spent reloading my main Facebook page. Or, if I'm out, I'm checking my phone constantly. It's horrible! And you're right. I'm still entertained, even if I don't get a single comment or message for hours at a time. I can't remember what I did with my days before I had Facebook haha
It took me most of my youth to realize that the better I got at playing piano, the worse I got at playing guitar. Likewise, the more I trained myself to play guitar, the worse I got at piano. Apparently I don't have the capacity to learn both and play both well. Oh, the choices! Also, I'm glad to see that you're cheery! I know I'm not really around much anymore, (damned Facebook addiction to blame) but when I am around here, your entries here are some of the only ones I find worth reading. I dunno, so many others are just so full of stupid, meaningless and irritating OMGZ banter. Ugh.

I mean, how are you? Other than cheery, that is. I hope your new years was good. (I worked, boo.)

Also, who is that adorable boy in that equally adorable picture? He looks nice.

Also, why do my comments on your entries always tend to be longer than your entries?

Really, though, I hope you're doing well. I hope that boy treats you well. I'll try to make it back to say hi again before June ha!
